Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in KOOL-I.P. Use our Booking page, for a consultation or to schedule a technician to help you.


Consultation:  Use this to schedule your appointment to receive information about our services, or schedule a project.

I.T. Service: Use this option if you require support or have security concerns, as this will put you in touch with a technician right away.

KOOL-I.P. Solutions Corp.

Head Office
Suite 501 – 889 Pender St.
Vancouver, B.C.,
V6C 3B2

Gibsons Office
90 Chadwick Road,
Gibsons, B.C.,
V0N 1V6

Cumberland Office
3301 Eighth Street
Cumberland, B.C.,
V0R 1S0

email [email protected]
tel 604-290-0100

KOOL-I.P. maintains certification and partnerships with all technology we support.